

ExchequerA missive from the Kingdom Exchequer.

Greetings unto the Exchequers of Æthelmearc,

The Kingdom Exchequer’s office is being reorganized to better serve the Kingdom. I would like to thank THL Alina Marie de Valenciennes for her years of service as the Regional Exchequer for Region 4. Taking effect immediately, Regional Exchequers are changing. Baron Tofi is stepping out of the role of Regional deputy to get ready for taking over the Kingdom office as of Pennsic.

Please begin sending reporting to your new Regional deputies. The NMS Secretary THL Etaine Eame is not changing, but she is taking over additional duties as the Region 1 deputy. Baron Bataar and Baroness Anastasie are moving to different regional deputiships and I would like to welcome Countess Etain and Lady Laurentia of Caladonia as new regional deputies.

As always, any changes in signature cards should start with an email to me of the Bank Account Request form, so that we can provide this to the Society. Please email to ae.exchequer@aethelmearc.org.

Thank you all for your continued service,
Dame Kateryna ty Isaf
Chancellor of the Exchequer

Region 1 and NMS Secretary
THL Etaine Eame

Region 2
Baron Sogtungui Bataar

Region 3
Lady Laurentia of Caladonia

Region 4
Baroness Anastasie deLamoure

Region 5
Countess Etain ingen Dalaig