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webministerFrom the Kingdom Webminister, Baroness Amalie, regarding Zoom, the conferencing service used by the Kingdom and its people for online gatherings, meetings, AE Live, and similar:

Please note that there is a Zoom client update (to Zoom 5.0) that *must* be done by May 30th on any laptop/desktop. (Presumably, phones/tablets will ask you to update or do an auto-update depending on your settings.)

If you do not update your client, from what I understand, you will have an interruption in using Zoom. Zoom will attempt to update automatically after the 30th. If it does not update, or you do not want to update, you will be forced to use the browser method of using Zoom.

This update will fix many outstanding security flaws from older client versions and there will be new security features rolled out with this update.

Please, in order to not have to Zoom update at the time of your meeting or the next AELive, go to http://zoom.us and click the orange update now button and update your zoom client. (Direct link to the download page is https://zoom.us/download)

If you are uncertain of your current Zoom Client, please check this article to help you locate this information: [https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362393-Viewing-the-Zoom-version-number](https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362393-Viewing-the-Zoom-version-number)

And, as always, if you have any questions, please let THL Sumayya or me know, so we can assist you.

Thank you for your attention to this,
Baroness Amalie
AE Webminister