
EKOFFICERS_herald_colorGreetings Unto Sylvan Æthelmearc from Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile, Interim Silver Buccle Principal Herald of Æthelmearc.

As was recently announced, Her Ladyship Sophie Davenport has resigned as Silver Buccle Herald of Æthelmearc. Their Majesties and I thank her for her service to the Kingdom. I have stepped in as the Emergency Deputy, and will hold the office for the next 3 months while I gather letters of intent for Silver Buccle. To that end I announce the call for letters for Silver Buccle Principal Herald of Æthelmearc.

Just What is Silver Buccle? Silver Buccle Herald is the Principal Herald of Æthelmearc, is a Great Officer of State of the Kingdom of Æthelmearc, and member of the Financial Committee of the Kingdom of Æthelmearc. The Office of Silver Buccle Herald is responsible for Quarterly Reports to the Society Herald, Heraldic Submissions of names and armory within Æthelmearc, conducting Royal Courts, announcing Tournaments, maintaining the Order of Precedence, oversees the Æthelmearc College of Heralds, warrants all Æthelmearc heralds, and general heraldic knowledge of the kingdom. The Office has many deputies to assist in the performance of these tasks.

Please send Letters of intent and SCA resumes to Silver Buccle at ae.herald@aethelmearc.org, and Their Majesties at ae.king@aethelmearc.org and ae.queen@aethelmearc.org. Letters of intent are due by November 1st 2020 in order to be considered for the office. The term of Office for Silver Buccle normally runs for 2 years from May Crown Tournament to May Crown Tournament. The next term of Office will run from January 2021 to May Spring Crown in 2023.

If you have any questions about the Office of Silver Buccle, please feel free to email questions to Ae.herald@aethelmearc.org, and I will do my best to provide answers.

In Service,
Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile