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Master Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen

Our series of 5 questions for members of the Æthelmearc Order of Defense continues with Master Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen:

1. Of all the things you could have done in the Society, why did you choose fencing?

I joined the society because I enjoyed archery and arts. My husband said fencing looked interesting, so we decided to try that out. Physical limitations made it much more appealing than rattan fighting and when we moved to Æthelmearc we found a great community of friends.

2. Why do you still fence?

Honestly, right now I don’t feel like I do. I hope to have time and a conducive environment to do so again. Before that, I kept fighting because sparring with a friend is fun. Fighting my spouse is one of our favorite couple’s activities.

3. If you could go back in time and give the “new” you advice what would it be? 

“New” me could give “now” me a lot of advice. Advice I would give is take advantage of all that time and resources you have, but that is pretty much what “new” me did.

4. What is your most memorable moment as a fencer?

Winning Seven Pearls. It was the first time all of that advice really made sense and I put it into practice. “Fight the fight in front of you.” “Don’t play with your food.” “Winning IS fun.”

5. If you were to start all over again would you do anything different?
