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Officer Profile: Signet Backlog Deputy

As part of our on-going series of Kingdom Officer profiles, the Gazette interviewed THL Zofia Kowalewska, the Signet Backlog Deputy.

SCA Name/Title
THL Zofia Kowalewska but most know me simply as Zosia.

What is the job of the Backlog Clerk?
As the Signet Backlog Clerk, I live and breathe spreadsheets and old court reports.  When someone doesn’t get a scroll because the Scribe was unable to complete the assignment in time (it happens) or a last minute award is given, we want to make sure the recipient eventually gets their scroll. Every level of award is important. So I go through the old reports, and work with our Signet and Silver Buccle to do our best to make sure the scrolls happen.

What’s the process for being assigned a backlog scroll to do?
Just ask! You can email me at and request a backlog. Taking on a backlog scroll is less stressful as we don’t have a Court date, but we do ask that you get them done as soon as you can. New scribes find Backlog assignments are helpful in fine-tuning their skills without the pressure of a hard deadline. And our more seasoned Scribes who may find it challenging to meet the deadlines due to mundane life (don’t I know it), can work on Backlogs at a pace that will fit their available time. Also, if you can only Illuminate, Calligraph or you have Wordsmithing skills, please offer those skills as well. You don’t need to do it all.

What kinds of backlogs are available?
A little bit of everything. Award of Arms, Keystones, Sycamores, Gages, Champion, Sigils and occasionally other awards. Right now, it’s a mix of levels.

How long have you been in the SCA and what was your first event?
I was fortunate to have met Baroness Juliana Rosalia Dolce da Siena while in College and attended several Ice Dragons from 1994-1997 but I didn’t fully step into the Society until 2007 at Summer’s End in the Canton of Beau Fleuve. Summer’s End holds a very special place in my heart.

What has made you stay?
I have made so many friends and learned so much over the years. I also love my craft – I am a scribe and cook at heart. To be able to create a scroll for someone who has worked so hard or to cook for the populace, that is what I love. It has also allowed me to try things I wouldn’t normally do like teach classes, archery, thrown weapons and learn new skills. How often does someone get a chance to learn about the history of the fork, or find out how many different types of Pierogi there are, or how to pull off a three-course dinner for 70?

What do you like best about your office?
I get to talk to scribes from all over Æthelmearc and see their beautiful work. I also get to work with newer scribes and watch them blossom. But I think my favorite thing is taking the names OFF the list – when an assignment is completed and the scroll is signed and given to the recipient, the joy that brings is priceless.

Anything else you’d like to add?
We could use some scroll blanks for the Backlog assignments. If anyone is interested, please contact me at I will also be at the Festival of the Passing of the Ice Dragon. Any completed Backlog assignments or blanks can be delivered to me there as well.

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