

Half a dozen Æthelmearcians shared their works at the 21st annual Known World Arts & Sciences Display at Pennsic today.

A few were returning artisans from previous years while others were showing off their work for the first time at the giant interkingdom arts & sciences celebration.

(THL Edana the Red was also slated to appear in the display but was not present while this Gazette reporter was there.)

Also occurring today was Apothecary Day at the Artisans Row tents. Several Æthelmearcians talked about their knowledge there, and two of them displayed there as well as at the Display (Maggie and Elska).

THL Maggie Rue explained some herbal superstitions at Apothecary Day.

Baroness Sadira bint Wassouf encouraged children and adults alike to play a game where they placed three bags of different plants on different categories — food, medicine, poison, dyestuff, etc. Several plants belong in more than one category, Her Excellency explained, so no one really won or lost the fun game.

Photos and text by Baroness Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina (Chris Adler-France)