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Harvest Tidings, Æthelmearc, from the Kingdom Exchequer’s Office.

The Exchequer Office is looking to fill three deputy positions of varying skills and time commitments: Regional Deputy, Archival Deputy, & Pennsic Chamberlain Deputy.

All potential Deputies must be paid SCA members, aged 18 or older, who can become a Warranted Exchequer (though an existing or active Warrant is not required to apply), and must have regular access to Email, Google Drive, and Excel.

Please look through the Job Listings posted on the Kingdom Website for more information on each position. If you are interested in any of these positions, or in joining the Kingdom Exchequer Team in general, please send your SCA resume and letter of intent to resume.exchequer@aethelmearc.org

During this extended time of absence from activities we enjoy with those we love, the Exchequer Office has received questions on what SCA branches can do to help out others. The basic rules that need to be followed by any branch are:

  • SCA Branches may donate to other 501(c)(3) Organizations. This includes groups like the American Red Cross, Girls Scouts, United Way, etc.
  • SCA Branches may donate to other SCA Branches. Please be sure to contact the recipient branch first to ensure that they are willing to accept the donation and have the capacity to do so at this time.
  • SCA Branches MAY NOT donate to organizations that only benefit SCA members.
  • SCA Branches MAY NOT donate to organizations that do not have official IRS Non-Profit Status. This includes GoFundMe, Patreon, etc. Be sure to request the IRS EIN from the organization prior to donating to verify this status.

If your branch is interested in providing financial assistance to another group or organization, please contact the Exchequer’s Office, and we can help ensure everything is handled correctly on the back end so that your generous giving is easily and smoothly received.

Should you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc., especially while we are experiencing these interesting times, please contact the Exchequer Office at ae.exchequer@aethelmearc.org

Be safe, be smart, & be kind. Wear your mask & wash your hands.

Rhys Penbras ap Dafydd
Kingdom Exchequer